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Common names: Colombia: Coco de mono, cocuelo, coquillo, olla de mono, ollita de mono.
Common names: Colombia: Coco de mono, cocuelo, coquillo, olla de mono, ollita de mono.

Distribution: Lecythis minor ranges from the northern coast of Colombia into the Magdalena and Cauca Valleys and east into the Maracaibo lowlands of Venezuela. It most often occurs in dry, open, somewhat disburbed habatats where it grows as a small, much-branched tree. However, it is also found in moister forests, especially along watercourses, where it forms a handsome, single-trunked tree to 25 meters. This species is cultivated sporadically in Central America and in tropical botanical gardens throughout the world.
Distribution: Lecythis minor ranges from the northern coast of Colombia into the Magdalena and Cauca Valleys and east into the Maracaibo lowlands of Venezuela. It most often occurs in dry, open, somewhat disburbed habitats where it grows as a small, much-branched tree. However, it is also found in moister forests, especially along watercourses, where it forms a handsome, single-trunked tree to 25 meters. This species is cultivated sporadically in Central America and in tropical botanical gardens throughout the world.

Ecology: This species most often occurs in dry, open, somewhat disburbed habatats where it grows as a small, much-branched tree. However, it is also found in moister forests, especially along watercourses, where it forms a handsome, single-trunked tree to 25 meters.
Ecology: This species most often occurs in dry, open, somewhat disburbed habitats where it grows as a small, much-branched tree. However, it is also found in moister forests, especially along watercourses, where it forms a handsome, single-trunked tree to 25 meters.

Phenology: Lecythis minor flowers most profusely throughout its native range from Apr to Dec and fruits from Dec to Feb. In the protologue, Jacquin (1763) says that it flowers in Jun and Jul in the viciinity of Cartagena, Colombia. At Summit Garden in the Canal Zone (Panama) , where it is cultivated, this species flowers during the wet season from Apr to Nov.
Phenology: Lecythis minor flowers most profusely throughout its native range from Apr to Dec and fruits from Dec to Feb. In the protologue, Jacquin (1763) says that it flowers in Jun and Jul in the viciinity of Cartagena, Colombia. At Summit Garden in the Canal Zone (Panama) , where it is cultivated, this species flowers during the wet season from Apr to Nov.

Revisión del 05:53 12 jun 2020

Lecythis minor Jacquin. Colectada en la RNG por Francisco Javier Roldan Palacio en 1991, por Juan Guillermo Ramírez Arango en 1993 y por Gregor Janssen en 1994; los especímenes colectados están en el Herbario JAUM.

En la RNG se encuentran además:

  • otra especie del género Lecythis aún sin determinar: Lecythidaceae: Lecythis Loefl. 4648 y
  • Couroupita guianensis, n. v. maraco, observación de Francisco Javier Roldan Palacio, sin ejemplar de herbario. Véase descripción en: Lecythidaceae Pages (NYBG)

Datos tomados de Flora RNG
Familia Género especie autor nombre vernáculo colector hábito fruto semilla dispersión polinización I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X XI XII
98 LECYTHIDACEAE Lecythis minor minor Jacquin Coquillo JGR " 4742, R:1746, (Otros)" Arbol Capsula operculada "Grande, arilada" "Zoo (Roed.,Hominidos)" Entomofila (Apidae) Fr. Fl. Fl.

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